Monday, July 1, 2013

The Rabbit Hole Leads Up

Entering the rabbit hole, one might expect it to be easy, because it leads down, making your steps easy.  Let me tell you, not all rabbit holes lead down. And quite frankly, none ever travel in a straight line.

I stayed in Gor for another month, discussing, and listening, to others that I knew were RL Dom/sub aspect in their life.  Tried my hand at the RP aspect, and as moving, and down right intoxicating feeling that I received from slaves kneeling and serving, there was something missing.  I could feel pieces missing.  So that led me to start searching.

With the help of my friends in Gor, I was introduced to some sims in SL, that were BDSM oriented.  One that I landed on happened to have a few discussions every week.  I attended a couple and rapidly realized that the people here, were Real people, who lived the life, and had for a long time.  Pieces began to fit back together.

I attended a Dominants only discussion, led by a Master, and everything that he said, and talked about, just rang so true to me.  By the time I left that discussion, I knew that Gor was no longer the place for me to learn.  That what I wanted, craved, ached for.

I started to hang out on the sim, and meet more people, more wonderful people. I could feel my mind beginning to grow, and open up wider.  The wider those doors to my mind opened, the more information I sought. But with more information, came the fact that the path became steeper.  The learning curve was getting steeper and never straight, and Never easy. 

But I was me.  I  found that I was not alone on my journey though.  The people I met, were patient, understanding, helpful, and open.  They overlooked my protocol faux pauxs, and took me under their wings. These people very quickly became like family to me, and I am proud to say, still are today. 

I also found my Mentor there.  It took me a lot of time and courage to  approach him, as I really did not think that he would take the time with someone as new as I was.  To my surprise, and honor,  he said "Yes."  That is when the rabbit hole became a path, steep, hard, and life long, but one full of rewards, and incredible discoveries.

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