Sunday, June 23, 2013


How do you put into words the eureka moment of finding out, or figuring out what and who you are after 40 + years?  Does it really take a lightning strike, or just a swift hard kick in the ass to jar everything into place?  Making every piece seemingly fall into place like that perfect jigsaw puzzle.  How do you describe a feeling that has been burning in your very soul,  for longer than you realize, that you have kept supressed from yourself, and others?  How do take the first steps into a "sub-culture" that to many, is something that is taboo and to some "abusive"?  And what happens when all of this takes place in a virtual world, and every fibre of your body wants to live it 24/7/365 in your Real Life?

Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself and proper introductions need to be made.   My second life name is Xykiel, a name that I will happily admit, that a Real Life slave gave to me in second life. My Real Life is a 43 year old male in Canada.  Divorced, two children, my fair share of personal guilt and doubts when I entered SL as a social escape for me, because I was a workaholic, putting 60-80 hours a week, in a high pressure job.  Because of the work, there was no personal life to speak of.

I entered SL on April's Fool Day two years ago.  A newbie to the 3D virtual world, but by no means a newbie to online chat and relationships.  Over the past 20 years, have spent a lot of time cultivating online relationships.  Therefore was not as naïve as many who enter SL. With in a couple of months of socializing and meeting people, I came across one particular woman who would turn out to be the one who has had the biggest affect in my life, for many years.  At that point, Xykiel was created, and I took the first step into "The Lifestyle."

I have decided to write this blog, to describe My journey, both in the past and as it unfolds before me, because it seems to cross a lot of territory and lines.  It starts and develops in a virtual world, with things that are only limited with our own imagination. Traverses virtual worlds, cultures and taboos.  Through relationships, fear, acceptance and growth.  Straddles the fence, one foot in SL and one foot in RL.  Combining the virtual avatars  with the RL person who is behind the keyboard.  Then onward, to the future, the first  RL meeting, (118 days from now, but who is counting). 

It is my hope that others who either do not know "The Lifestyle", or are starting their own journey, might be able to take away something from these entries.  But saying that, let me stress that EVERYONE travels their own path, and no two people's journey is ever exactly the same. But similar things can happen, and other's experiences may inspire your own resolutions to situations or bumps along your journey. My journey and experiences are just that, MINE.  My journey is not the only way, but it is My way.  Your journey is Yours, and you will face things and make mistakes that are yours and no one else's.  But as long was we are open and respect each other's opinions, and experiences, we keep alive the ability to learn and grow from each other.

I look forward to educating, and hopefully entertaining a little, through the telling of my story.  I welcome any feedback that you feel like sharing with me, on anything I write about.  That way I may also learn from you as well.  So take a seat, get comfortable, and maybe even hold on, because at times the road is a little bumpy.  Here we go.....

Once upon a time..... Just kidding..

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