Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Meet

Awake for 22 hours, but oh so worth it.  Flight after flight. Numb ass from sitting so long.  Security check points, airport waiting lounges, languages that you do not understand, but the excitement grows with each mile passed. Then the final door.  Crossing that thresh hold, that literally has big signs, saying, "You can not go back, once you have passed the door."  Like eating the blue pill, or the day that you realize that your parents do have sex, otherwise you would not exist.  There just is no going back.

Stepping across and seeing people lined up with signs and smiles.  But only one smile stands out.  The one from My girl.  The one who stands there with collar proudly on.  Rushing over, but trying not to seem like you are rushing.  Wrapping arms around each other and finally feeling that physical touch.  Wow, what a feeling. Both have huge smiles on, can not stop smiling.  Making way to the car and grinning like two kids who have just played the world's biggest prank.

Arriving home, and sitting, just being with each other. So tired from the trip I must take a nap. Collapsing into bed, the world fades to black.  Waking up 3 hours later, the term "real life" rears its ugly head.  Mother's fridge has stopped working.  Need to go buy a new one.  Friend coming over to help fetch it. Running around, juggling finances to get it accomplished.  We are not in second life anymore.  Where a simple click of the mouse, makes thing appear.  Where, "a dominant says so, and submissive then makes it so with in one minute."  This is where the Master steps up to the plate and shows by action.  

We go over to mother's and check out the fuse.  Does not work. Check out the circuit breakers, they all seem to be fine.  Then the toaster test, plug something you know works into the outlet.  Sure enough, it is the outlet that is the issue.   Rewire the plug so it reaches another outlet, problem solved.

Afterwards we sit in the living  room with mother, and as I sit on the couch, she comes and curls up at my feet.  I immediately see it for what it is, and chills run up and down my spine.  Mine has just knelt for me, in front of her mother.  I place my hand on her head, stroking her hair for a minute, to acknowledge her actions. \
As the day goes on, and we do just the normal daily activities, I see time and time again, the things, the small little things, that show her submission to me. Little things from letting me walk ahead of her on a narrow path, to asking permission to sit by me on the couch.  Each and everyone, makes me feel so special to have her.

As we crawl into bed together, for the first time, I take her in my arms, acknowledge every action that I had received from her that day.  Shared how they made me feel, and thanked her for them.  She, being who she is, expressed that she did not think I had even noticed them, but they are just who she is.  In return, I tell her, that I had made a promise to myself as I started the flights, that I was going to break the cycle that I had when I was "vanilla" and just be who I am.  Nothing more, nothing less.

We are off to a great start!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wow!!  Real life kicked me in the butt a couple of months ago, making work become center and up front.  So much I had planned on putting in this blog to lead up to the big day.  Here we are 36 hours from climbing on the plane to take me off to meet and be with my submissive in real life for the first time.  Would love to be able to say it has been wonderful the last few months, but with rl interfering, and a loss of some communication,  it has been a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts.  But it keeps coming back to the one thing, that she and I are making that move to bring our relationship to real life.
For me, a first time in the lifestyle.  For her a second shot at living it.  But for us both, a major shot at happiness and life long commitment to each other and the lifestyle.
But no matter what happens, it is another step on our journeys.  Steps that I hope to share with you all through this blog.  So make sure your seats and tray tables are in the up right position, toys are securely stowed over head.  Ropes, chains, silk ties, etc. are securely fastened. Because tomorrow starts the trip.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Risk and Relationships

We all have those terrifying and sometimes ridiculously ludicrous memories about our first relationships.  Whether they were our 1st grade crushes, or our teenage fumbling's in the back sea of your parents car.  Our bodies full of raging hormones, and minds full of thoughts of conquest.  Never a thought of the dangers of what we were doing.  Or the consequences of said actions.

Now take that, and move 27 years into the future.  Entering a lifestyle, where the risk and dangers, are not just simple, possibly getting someone pregnant, or catching a sexually transmitted disease, but the very real possibility, of physical bodily harm, and/or mentally destroying someone.

Granted, I was in second life,  which at the point I was at, pretty much eliminated the physical harm, still left the mental harm a very real possibility.  Will that enter the mind of someone who just has began the journey?

I started talking and spending time with someone who seemed to be patient enough to deal with a newbie.  Taking my time, I had not come to fully understand the collar, other than to know it was something very serious, and I had pretty much decided that I was not going to rush into a collar.  We kept getting closer, being who we were.   She showed me some play things,  taught me it was okay, to allow my sadist side to show itself.

That sadist showed itself in the form of a scene we did.  Unscripted, in the moment,  in voice, strapped into an second life cross, striking, hearing the change of tone in her voice, driving me deeper into the scene. It hit a level for both of us.  One  that I had never felt before.  It was almost like being drunk, although I did not have a drink.  Floating, no, flying with no wings. Almost like losing control.   Euphoric and absolutely terrifying. 

I came down, I think more from fear, than wanting to stop.  Putting my concentration back to the submissive strapped to the rack.  bringing her down, asking that she was okay.  We talked about the scene, but I did not admit what I had felt.  It almost felt like it would have been a show of weakness if I had shared.

The next day in real life, I had one of the worst days at work.  My mind was all over the place, absolutely no concentration.  Dropping things, burning things, making mistakes.  Pretty much anything that could go wrong did. 

Got home that night and logged into second life to find comfort in that submissive arms.   Talking about my day and how  horrible it was.  It was then that she brought up the term "Dom drop" to me.  Only then did I realize, that I had experienced "Dom space" in the scene.

Fast forward to today.  As I write these words, relive that first feeling of Dom space.  I stop, sit back and shake my head.  I was like that teenager.  Not a care in the world, knowing everything, ignoring all the risks and dangers.  I sit in awe, of my foolishness, and naivety, of the seriousness of scenes, playing, and relationships in the lifestyle.  How could I have put her at such risk.  How could I have put myself at such risk.  I had no idea what Dom space was.  Or the physical reactions that it would release in me coming down from it.  What would have happened if I had allowed myself into that space even deeper and lost control?

The dangers are real, whether in second life or real life.  And entering relationships, or scene plays, with out knowledge and experience, can, no not "can", DOES put people at risk.

That first relationship, did not survive.  Although the lessons learned from it directed me on a much safer path.   I was not ready, or able to control another, as I had skipped a very important step in my journey.  Self inspection and acceptance. 

So as we all do at some point in our lives, I tripped, fell and ended up two steps behind where I thought I was.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Rabbit Hole Leads Up

Entering the rabbit hole, one might expect it to be easy, because it leads down, making your steps easy.  Let me tell you, not all rabbit holes lead down. And quite frankly, none ever travel in a straight line.

I stayed in Gor for another month, discussing, and listening, to others that I knew were RL Dom/sub aspect in their life.  Tried my hand at the RP aspect, and as moving, and down right intoxicating feeling that I received from slaves kneeling and serving, there was something missing.  I could feel pieces missing.  So that led me to start searching.

With the help of my friends in Gor, I was introduced to some sims in SL, that were BDSM oriented.  One that I landed on happened to have a few discussions every week.  I attended a couple and rapidly realized that the people here, were Real people, who lived the life, and had for a long time.  Pieces began to fit back together.

I attended a Dominants only discussion, led by a Master, and everything that he said, and talked about, just rang so true to me.  By the time I left that discussion, I knew that Gor was no longer the place for me to learn.  That what I wanted, craved, ached for.

I started to hang out on the sim, and meet more people, more wonderful people. I could feel my mind beginning to grow, and open up wider.  The wider those doors to my mind opened, the more information I sought. But with more information, came the fact that the path became steeper.  The learning curve was getting steeper and never straight, and Never easy. 

But I was me.  I  found that I was not alone on my journey though.  The people I met, were patient, understanding, helpful, and open.  They overlooked my protocol faux pauxs, and took me under their wings. These people very quickly became like family to me, and I am proud to say, still are today. 

I also found my Mentor there.  It took me a lot of time and courage to  approach him, as I really did not think that he would take the time with someone as new as I was.  To my surprise, and honor,  he said "Yes."  That is when the rabbit hole became a path, steep, hard, and life long, but one full of rewards, and incredible discoveries.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"You're a Dominant."

Those were the words I heard through my head phones.  I am glad my web cam was not on, as I am sure that the stunned shocked look on my face would not have looked at all "Domly".   " I am what?"  I am sure that was what came stuttering out of my mouth.  Here was a woman who I had been talking to in SL for a week or two, just being myself.  She and I had been sharing about ourselves, opening up about who we were.  I was still in my original avatar,  geeky looking red head, trying to comprehend what this woman had just said to me.  Finally, I had to swallow my pride and ask her what she meant by Dominant?

That is when the "rabbit hole" opened.  This woman started to explain to me Dominance and submissive.  That she was a slave, both in RL and SL.   How it is a lifestyle, a life choice, of giving control over to another.  A lifestyle of deep relationships, honesty, of being who you are.  She added on the fact that she was also deep into BDSM.  Now I had heard about BDSM, and had what I thought was good general knowledge of what it was.  Even  thought I had a very open mind.  I was soon to find out, that I knew squat about BDSM, and my "open mind" was barely open.

I pondered and asked questions, trying to learn more about this D/s M/s aspect.  What she described to me, intrigued me, it sounded wonderful.  This kind of relationship, where I had all the power and the openness of everything.  She introduced me to her mentor, RL and SL, who was more than happy to try and explain things to me. 

They spoke to me of this thing in SL that they thought would be a good entry point for me.  A spot where Master and slaves are the aspect of the role play.  Yes, they were speaking of Gor.  But my geeky little avatar would just not work.  Thus I was born.  Xykiel, the avatar born to be a Gorean slaver, and learn about the lifestyle as I played. 

I entered Gor, and witnessed naked slaves and silk covered slaves, running around, falling to there knees in front of me.  I have to be honest.  It sent chills up my spine and other parts.  I dove in head first, trying to learn  about Gor and watching the actions of these girls that were falling at my feet.  It only took a week or two to realize that I dove in with the wrong head.

As I was in Gor, I was also speaking to the slave and her mentor, in other areas.  We were discussing, aspects of BDSM.  I learned that she was enjoyed "edge" play.  That she was polyamourous.  That with her last Master, she was living with him 4 days a week and her husband 3.  That her mentor played with her as well and used her for RL training.  Each and every part, shocked me, but again, intrigued me.

I hung around her, in Gor, with expectations that we would end up together, even though she and her mentor had told me that she needed someone much more experienced.  After a week or two in Gor, and not making any headway into Gor, or the slave, I was getting quite frustrated. My blood was boiling, from being put off  by what I saw as my potential slave.  I was playing the role, slaver, master, overbearing, hot tempered jerk...What I thought I was suppose to be, at that time.

Then I made what I would refer to as my first major screw-up.  My frustration keep growing, and I kept doing things I thought I was suppose to do, and kept taking two steps back.  I do not remember what the trigger was, or how it exactly went down anymore, but I know what happened.  I struck out verbally, assaulting the slave and her mentor, with a foul attitude and very foul words. What happened next was one of the most important things that has happened in my life. 

The slave put me in my place, tried to calm me and be at least polite with me.  I did not have any such luck with her mentor.  Her mentor called me exactly what I was.  A closed minded, ignorant, uneducated, ***.    She tore me a new hole and sent me packing.  I was hurt, angry, upset.  I stormed off, leaving Gor, saying that I would never come back.

I spent two days, licking my broken pride.  But what kept coming back is the words that they both said.   Over and over in my head, it played in an endless loop, until  it began to sink in.  It was a hard pill to swallow, and pretty sour.  Everything that I thought I wanted, I really did not even know.  That my open mind, was closed to certain aspects in the world, making me miss a lot that was around me.  That I had entered Gor, not to learn Gor, or the M/s aspect, but to chase a skirt.  A skirt that was so much more open, honest, intelligent, just light years a head of me in the lifestyle, that quite frankly, I should have just been honored that she took the time to explain things to me.  And as for her Mentor,  it was the first person, that I am sad to say, I lost a friend that day.

With my pride still broken, my tail between my legs, I went back to Gor.  But this time, I came in humble, and open.  Open ears to listen.  Open eyes to see the world opening before me.  But most important, an open MIND.  I tried not to judge, other people's choices.  Tried to accept a person for just that, being a human.  Came back with a thirst, downright unquenchable thirst, to learn.

The head slaver, took me back.  We sat and spoke about the lifestyle in RL and what it really meant.  He taught me so much in such a short time.  Spoke to me of values.  Spoke to me of how treasured and cherished a slave/submissive is. But the one thing that he told me that has rung true and will continue to forever is, "Be yourself."  That it is not about being some character from a book, or fitting into some "Master" mold.  That is was about knowing yourself, being yourself.  And that includes being human, and chasing a skirt or two.

Now when I look back at this time, it was one of life's pivotal moments.  Where my life changed, and I became a better person because of it.  That is when I saw the rabbit hole for what it was, overcame my fear, and walked through it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


How do you put into words the eureka moment of finding out, or figuring out what and who you are after 40 + years?  Does it really take a lightning strike, or just a swift hard kick in the ass to jar everything into place?  Making every piece seemingly fall into place like that perfect jigsaw puzzle.  How do you describe a feeling that has been burning in your very soul,  for longer than you realize, that you have kept supressed from yourself, and others?  How do take the first steps into a "sub-culture" that to many, is something that is taboo and to some "abusive"?  And what happens when all of this takes place in a virtual world, and every fibre of your body wants to live it 24/7/365 in your Real Life?

Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself and proper introductions need to be made.   My second life name is Xykiel, a name that I will happily admit, that a Real Life slave gave to me in second life. My Real Life is a 43 year old male in Canada.  Divorced, two children, my fair share of personal guilt and doubts when I entered SL as a social escape for me, because I was a workaholic, putting 60-80 hours a week, in a high pressure job.  Because of the work, there was no personal life to speak of.

I entered SL on April's Fool Day two years ago.  A newbie to the 3D virtual world, but by no means a newbie to online chat and relationships.  Over the past 20 years, have spent a lot of time cultivating online relationships.  Therefore was not as naïve as many who enter SL. With in a couple of months of socializing and meeting people, I came across one particular woman who would turn out to be the one who has had the biggest affect in my life, for many years.  At that point, Xykiel was created, and I took the first step into "The Lifestyle."

I have decided to write this blog, to describe My journey, both in the past and as it unfolds before me, because it seems to cross a lot of territory and lines.  It starts and develops in a virtual world, with things that are only limited with our own imagination. Traverses virtual worlds, cultures and taboos.  Through relationships, fear, acceptance and growth.  Straddles the fence, one foot in SL and one foot in RL.  Combining the virtual avatars  with the RL person who is behind the keyboard.  Then onward, to the future, the first  RL meeting, (118 days from now, but who is counting). 

It is my hope that others who either do not know "The Lifestyle", or are starting their own journey, might be able to take away something from these entries.  But saying that, let me stress that EVERYONE travels their own path, and no two people's journey is ever exactly the same. But similar things can happen, and other's experiences may inspire your own resolutions to situations or bumps along your journey. My journey and experiences are just that, MINE.  My journey is not the only way, but it is My way.  Your journey is Yours, and you will face things and make mistakes that are yours and no one else's.  But as long was we are open and respect each other's opinions, and experiences, we keep alive the ability to learn and grow from each other.

I look forward to educating, and hopefully entertaining a little, through the telling of my story.  I welcome any feedback that you feel like sharing with me, on anything I write about.  That way I may also learn from you as well.  So take a seat, get comfortable, and maybe even hold on, because at times the road is a little bumpy.  Here we go.....

Once upon a time..... Just kidding..